Important Considerations for Law Enforcement in States with Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Laws.

The National ERPO Resource Center and the Battered Women’s Justice Project partnered to co-host a webinar to explore some of the critical tools available to protect survivors of domestic violence. Practical considerations are provided to help survivors navigate the decision-making process regarding whether to pursue a DVPO or an ERPO, ensuring that they are equipped with all the tools available to make the safest decision for their situation.

This side-by-side chart compares and contrasts ERPOs and DVPOs, both of which are valuable tools that can save lives. Implementers must understand the differences in these tools to determine the best course of action to reduce firearm violence.

During the 2024 National Suicide Prevention Week, the National ERPO Resource Center and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention co-hosted a webinar to discuss the effectiveness of ERPOs as a tool to prevent firearm suicides.

The ERC can present to various ERPO implementer groups for free, including law enforcement, judicial officers, attorneys, clinicians, and social service providers.

While ERPO laws are relatively new, a growing body of research
demonstrates the potential for these laws to prevent firearm
violence, particularly firearm suicide, and multiple victim/mass

In this Teach-Out, a team of public health, policy, and medical experts will each provide a unique perspective.

This video is a Continuing Medical Education (CME) activity for clinicians interested in learning more about ERPOs. Simulated encounters modeling counseling strategies illustrate the process for petitioning and their potential applications.