About Us

The National ERPO Resource Center at the Center for Gun Violence Solutions would like to thank and acknowledge the generous contributions of the Bloomberg American Health Initiative. The Initiative supported our first ERPO website, “Implement EPRO,” which was a critical resource for state-specific information, technical assistance, research, and other educational materials for anyone interested in implementing ERPO laws. Our new website would not have been possible without the Initiative’s support in previous iterations of the site.

What is the National ERPO Resource Center?

The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), established the National ERPO Resource Center (ERC) in 2023.

The ERC is a training and technical assistance (TTA) hub designed to support states and localities with the implementation of their ERPO programs to reduce gun violence and save lives.

TTA through the ERC includes:

  • Development and dissemination of trainings for ERPO stakeholders.
  • Support for states and local jurisdictions to implement ERPO programs.
  • Facilitation of peer-to-peer engagement with model ERPO learning sites.
  • Delivery of presentations and webinars to advance states’ and localities’ knowledge on key ERPO topics.

The ERC will also support states and local jurisdictions to ensure that funding received through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) is effectively utilized.

Successful ERPO implementation requires the collaboration of a variety of stakeholders, including law enforcement, prosecutors, attorneys, judicial officers, clinicians, educators, veterans’ organizations, victim service providers, community organizations, and behavioral health and social service providers. Each of these partners plays an important role in the ERPO process, from the initiation of the order to the return of firearms (where appropriate). In collaboration with BJA, the ERC will support these ERPO implementers and partners nationwide by providing TTA.

Illustration of scales of Justice in front of blue vertical bars

About Us

Spencer Cantrell, JD

Senior Advisor for Implementation
Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Co-Lead, National ERPO Resource Center



Lisa Geller, MPH

Senior Advisor for Implementation
Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Co-Lead, National ERPO Resource Center



Josh Horwitz, JD

Co-Director, Center for Gun Violence Solutions and Distinguished Professor of the Practice



Shannon Frattaroli, PhD, MPH

Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health



Kathryn Fleisher, MPH

Assistant Policy Advisor, Center for Gun Violence Solutions



The National ERPO Resource Center is a project of the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The Center for Gun Violence Solutions (CGVS) addresses gun violence as a public health emergency and utilizes objective, non-partisan research to develop solutions which inform, fuel, and propel advocacy to measurably lower gun violence. For more information about CGVS, visit their website.